Halls and warehouses
Temperature and humidity measurement systems
Storing products in halls and warehouses requires compliance with strictly defined regulations. The way of arranging goods on shelves, checking expiry dates and appropriate room temperature and humidity levels these are some of the key issues. Continuous measurement is essential to maintain goods quality and economic viability. The purpose of the measurements is to verify systems (e.g. air conditioning) and assess their functioning. The appropriate level of temperature and humidity in the halls and protection against other harmful factors guarantee the highest quality of goods.
As a company with over 30 years of experience, we have also improved mapping processes, i.e registration of key parameters at many critical points. This is the best way to ensure the quality of measurements and meet legal requirements. Thanks to the latest technology, we guarantee safe storage and minimize costs and losses.
Mikster drivers provide:
- measurement accuracy,
- alerting about exceeding standards,
- data visualization and archiving,
- comprehensive supervision over the storage of goods,
- guarantee of freshness of products,
- measurement accuracy thanks to room mapping,
- mapping the temperature and humidity of rooms/devices (this process allows meeting the necessary conditions required by industries in which constant supervision and determining the distribution of climatic parameters are necessary).
Halls and warehouses
Production halls
Small and large warehouses
Trust proven devices
Benefits of implementing our solutions:
- cost optimization,
- precise assessment of temperature and humidity,
- storage control in halls and warehouses,
- monitoring and signaling of alarm states,
- cloud solutions,
- compatible software,
- intuitive operation.